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Reggie Hubbard is the founder/chief serving officer of Active Peace Yoga. His yoga and meditation practice has served as a sanctuary of peace and perspective while navigating the stresses of being a black man in the world, serving in pressure filled jobs at the height of politics and have helped him navigate complicated emotions (anger, grief, disappointment) to find and nurture peace of mind and ease of spirit.   

Reggie shares his practice in service to helping people navigate this thing called life with more creativity, authenticity, peace and ease. He has extensively studied with leading teachers in yogic, meditative, and dharmic disciplines while also remembering that the best teacher is an eternal student. He is a graduate of the MMTCP (Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program) 2023 cohort and is always seeking new ways of sharing ancient wisdom to modern audiences.

Through Active Peace Yoga, Reggie offers asana and meditation classes to help others nurture peace of mind, creativity, equanimity in spirit and physical health – helping people nurture well-being as foundational, rather than an afterthought. Reggie has taught Members of Congress, Congressional Staff, major labor unions, leading progressive organizations and individuals from all walks of life, simple tools for managing stress and bringing peace to mind, body and spirit. Active Peace also offers strategic guidance on creating healthier cultures and organizational norms rooted in wellbeing, compassion and results.

In addition to his teaching practice, Reggie has held many senior strategic and logistical roles across a variety of fields ranging from global marketing, digital and community organizing, government relations, and international education, to presidential campaigning. He is a featured speaker on politics, strategy, wellbeing, social justice, and civic engagement for leading publications, podcasts and platforms including Be Here Now Network, The Hill, Mind and Life Institute, Sedona Yoga Festival, SoundsTrue Foundation, Upaya Zen Center, Wanderlust, the Wellbeing Project, Yoga Alliance, Yoga International and Yoga Journal.

Reggie’s life work sits at the intersection of bringing more peace and balance to activists; guiding the wellness community toward being more engaged, concerned citizens; and, enhancing the well-being of all walks of life. Achieving this balance is how we catalyze transformative change in our society, which we are desperately in need of at this moment.  He also is passionate about justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI); normalizing grief and loss; and sharing healing rituals with marginalized communities to enhance our collective well-being.

Reggie received a B.A. in philosophy from Yale University and an MBA in international strategy from the Vlerick Business School in Belgium.

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