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The 6th Biennial Mindfulness in Law Teacher Training: MLTT 2026

An eight-month online + in-person training.
Deepen your own practice. Learn to bring mindfulness and wellbeing into the legal profession.

Become a Leader in the Wellbeing Movement

Curved Separator

An Online Training Plus One In-Person Gathering. Learn to Teach Mindfulness and Wellbeing to Lawyers, Law Students, and Social Justice Advocates…From Anywhere in the World.


  1. Understanding mindfulness for the legal mind
  2. The cultivation of intentional states of mind like compassion and equanimity
  3. Mindfulness as it applies to social and criminal justice
  4. The importance of mindfulness in immigration and family law settings
  5. Creating spaces for mindfulness in corporate law
  6. Mindfulness in climate-based and other challenging conversations
  7. Law as beloved community: mindfulness to address personal, interpersonal, and systemic bias
  8. Mindfulness and wisdom in action in the law

What Our Students Learn

  • The classical foundations of mindfulness and how to teach them
  • How to explain why mindfulness is crucial for competence and wellbeing in the law right now
  • How to offer mindfulness programming in service of undoing conscious and unconscious bias in the law
  • Mindfulness tools to help legal professionals address climate emergency
  • Recent advances in contemplative neuroscience
  • How to lead mindfulness, compassion, gratitude, and other meditation practices
  • Contemplative movement practices to share with sedentary lawyers and law students
  • How to talk about mindfulness and yoga to wary or cynical colleagues

Our Commitment to Inclusion and Belonging

One of the strengths of MLTT lies in the inclusiveness of our community.

We extend a warm invitation to applicants of all ethnicities, races, classes, genders, ages, religions and spiritualities, physical abilities, and sexual orientations; to change-makers of all kinds; to those who are the first in their family to attend college or law school; to those whose resilience arose by having overcome adversity; to those from communities historically underrepresented in the law or in mindfulness practice and teaching or both; and to those who serve or intend to underrepresented communities.

We also welcome applicants in BigLaw, small and mid-sized firms and solo practitioners; commercial, personal injury, family, and estate and probate lawyers; immigration and criminal lawyers on both sides of the aisle; law students, law professors, adjuncts, and lecturers; judges, mediators and arbitrators; professional development leaders, coaches, and others inspiring greater wellbeing in the law; those working in politics; and those working adjacent to the law.

We welcome applicants from various streams of contemplative practice. Although our training emphasizes the classical teachings of mindfulness, we honor and are proud to count among our alumni those who are teaching in secular, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, yogic, and indigenous traditions.

We welcome applicants from everywhere. Our alumni are in North and South America, Asia, and Europe, deepening their own mindfulness and wellbeing and bringing mindfulness and wellbeing to their colleagues, students, and legal communities.

How We Spend Time Together

Virtual Meetings
  • Virtual Intensives and Retreats
  • Sunday programs
  • Small, curated, practice groups
In Person Gathering
  • At least one in-person gathering in Northern California
  • Reading, listening, and videos from a broad array of mindfulness teachers and traditions
  • Talks and meditations to prepare and deliver to your practice group
  • An opportunity to create and offer a final project at the end of the training

What Our Students Experience

  • A warm welcome into a diverse, multi-faceted 2026 cohort of students
  • The opportunity to be in powerful relationship with remarkable teachers
  • A solid foundation in classical mindfulness
  • Careful, joyful, instruction in how to lead mindfulness, compassion, lovingkindness, and other mindfulness-based meditations
  • Small practice groups with whom to share and overcome concerns, spark questions, and practice leading meditations and talks
  • One-on-one mentoring
  • Entrée into an inclusive, growing, community of mindfulness-in-law teachers throughout North America, South America, Asia, and Europe

Words From MLTT Alums

This work is critical to surviving and thriving in the legal profession. I wish I knew it when I was in law school and throughout my practice years. Lawyers are just like everyone else but less afraid to take up space 😉 It was wonderful to be with skilled orators again. Very different than other meditation groups. And all of us need more skill in learning to dismantle the myriad forms of bias in the profession. There is no excuse anymore. 

I would recommend this program to all legal professionals wherever they are in their careers. I grew so much as a person and learned to be more compassionate to myself and those I felt distant from or opposed to – we are all advocates and being reminded of a higher calling was inspirational.

I attended every session because they were all mana from heaven for me. I am by nature somewhat skeptical but from the get-go, I knew this was the real thing. Like so much in my life, since I started noticing, the MLTT appeared when I needed it. In the course of the MLTT I went from deep grieving to a level of happiness that I never imagined I could have. It wasn’t all due to the MLTT but it played a vital part. I have the greatest respect and affection for each of you and hope that Monday is not the last time I will be able to be with you. With love and gratitude, Michael

Wow. I can’t believe it’s over. I am left with wanting more. I can’t wait for what is next.

Thank you, Judi, Alisa, and Gullu. I am so grateful to have spent this time with you and to have learned from you. There are things that I have learned that I will carry with me forever. I know putting on this type of course is not easy and takes a lot of planning, thought, replanning, and more thought, and I see and recognize how much you have brought to us with love. I hope we get to stay connected beyond this MLTT, as you all are my heroes! With love and light.

Thank you teachers and fellow students for being the loving community that I needed after the loss of my father and my doggie within a few weeks of each other in 2021 during the separateness of the COVID-19 pandemic. I needed to expand my world and connect and you have all helped me and I have learned so much that I will carry forward into my practice and my life. Love, Jill

I’m feeling hopeful; hopeful that there is a path to contentedness and equanimity that I knew was there but could not see. I see the power of community, which is new and uncomfortable for me as I generally don’t like to share and seek support. Lastly, there’s no substitute for sitting “face-to-face” and hearing people’s challenges and personal hardships to open one’s heart to the world.

Examples of the powerful work our alums are doing…

  • Offering mindfulness training to public interest lawyers throughout the U.S.
  • Bringing mindfulness meditation to public defenders, district attorneys, and combined groups of both
  • Teaching mindfulness to judges and mediators in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Europe
  • Speaking about mindfulness and risk management in large and medium-sized firms
  • Offering mindfulness as an element of wellbeing at Yale Law School and Berkeley Law
  • Teaching mindfulness in law schools in the U.S., Europe, South America, China, and Australia
  • Teaching law school mindfulness courses in North America and South America
  • Speaking about mindfulness and offering mindfulness trainings for the AAPI Bar Association, various Women’s Bar Associations, NBLSA and local BLSAs, AILA, ABA Sports & Entertainment Lawyer meetings, and other state and local bar associations
  • Developing a national mindfulness-based coaching and training program for corporate and public interest firms and organizations
  • Leading county-wide, weekly meditation sittings
  • …and much more

Be the Solution. Be the Change.

Curved Separator

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