Letting Nature Bring Peace
Sometimes I naturally notice the calm and peacefulness of the closing of the year.
More often there’s so much going on, either in my own life or around me, that I feel
restless, worried, a kind of agitation of body and mind that clouds my thinking and makes it difficult to settle.
For me the thing that helps most is creating space: space to breath, in the middle of a busy day, time for a walk, indoors and out (especially out, no matter how freezing).
There’s something about being in nature, no matter how postage-stamp-sized the place, that eases my worried mind (thanks, Eric Clapton).
I hope you can be outside this next week, even a little. I hope you can breathe some crisp, clean, air, and take in the wondrousness of nature, even as she sleeps.
If you’re feeling restless or worried, I hope it eases your worried mind.