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I want to say this is the season for gratitude,
and that’s not wrong, but I’m also not 100%.
I’m grateful, and I’m also confused and fearful and nauseous.
Or I’m pedaling fast and furious, or hiding behind my screen.
Greed, hatred, exhaustion, restlessness, doubt:
they all co-exist in this heart and mind right now,
alongside gratitude.

So the question I’m asking myself is,
how do I create enough space for everything?
How can I be gentle with the way things are?
What creates spaciousness and ease?
Breath helps because it creates spaciousness:
continuing to pay attention to the breath
and the sense of the body, breathing,
moment by moment.

Love helps because it creates ease:
continuing to be loving even with those who wear
hats with slogans I can’t understand,
and with myself when I feel like
I should understand and be able to connect.

So, gratitude, spaciousness, and love. 

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