Over the last 2,600 years, mindfulness has been both freely offered and dependent upon community support to thrive. The Wake Up Call, which is now over 400 weeks old, follows this ancient model.
Thank you very much to our current sponsors for your generous financial support. We wouldn’t be here without you. If you’re not yet part of our Wake Up Call sponsorship circle, please consider joining by choosing your sponsorship level and completing the form below.
We Offer Four Levels of Sponsorship:
Level 1: Appreciative Sponsor – a way to show your appreciation for the Wake Up Call, with a $20 monthly commitment.
Level 2: Grateful Sponsor – for those who can do more, an expression of gratitude for all the hard (and heart) work that goes into the Wake Up Call each week, with a $45 monthly commitment.
Level 3: Sustaining Sponsor – for firms and organizations who are committed to supporting wellbeing for our impacted profession, a $150 monthly commitment, which gives us the chance to give back, by including your logo on this page.
Level 4: One-Time Sponsor – for those able to make a one-time offering of appreciation, gratitude, or sustenance.
Thank you for your interest in payment. We are experiencing fraud concerns with our payment facilitation company, Stripe. Please write to Programs@WarriorOne.com to learn how to make a secure payment to us. Thank you for your understanding.