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What a long, sweet, year it’s been!
Our hearts are full and we hope yours are, too.
Now, we’re about to find out.

Please tell us how MLTT 2022 was for you, and how we did.
We read these evals carefully, over and over, and we redesign MLTT every time,
in part based on what you share right here.
We’d love to know what we did well, and of course, what we can do better.

We also use the comments in the last few questions to let new folks know about MLTT.
This year we’ve asked right here, in the eval, if we can use yours, so we don’t have to loop back.
However, if you prefer we do loop back first, there’s a box for that.
And if you’d prefer we not use them at all, there’s a box for that, too.
If you do give us permission to use your comments, we promise, we’ll only use the good ones.

A word about requiring you to give us your name:
we do that because we very much care what each of you, as unique individuals,
thought about, got from, and didn’t get from, MLTT 2022.
Our hope and intention is that the closing of MLTT 2022 is also the beginning of a long, collaborative journey with you in the mindfulness-in-law world.
To the extent that we’ve fallen short (or long) as it relates specifically to you, we want to know.

Thank you for your thoughts, for taking the time to complete this eval,
and for participating so fully and lovingly in MLTT 2022.


May we use your answers to the last two questions to tell the story of MLTT 2022 when we open applications for the 2024 class? And may we use your name?(Required)

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